The Story


When I was a wee lad, I saw a man make an animal tip out of a dollar bill when dinning at a Japanese restaurant, I thought it was the coolest thing to do; the piece of art was excitedly received by the server. I was impressed and thought that I should learn how to do origami…

Time has a way of slipping into the future… or something like that.

I wouldn’t get back into origami until almost 20 years later when I became the “manny” for a family I was staying with up in Pacific Grove, California. The boy, who was my main charge, on his 13th birthday received “The Buck Book”, with instructions on how to transform dollar bills into fun items. Inside they had several really cool folds, the elephant caught my eye and that was the first one I learned how to do.

Over the years I started finding other amazing folds, and I slowly started adding to my list. It never really became an obsession, however, looking back over the years I went through dozens of dollar bill folding books and articles to find my favorites, the best of the best so to speak.

At one point I decided that I needed to change up the American dollar bill and transform it into something more liberating and the HACKiBill was created.

Recently a friend recommended that I create a colorful expression of the animal that would be revealed once the fold was completed, and CRANiOGAMi was born.

I hope you enjoy this extraordinary way to exercise your brain. Origami is one of those things that seems challenging, but isn’t once you start the process of learning and the benefits are simply off the charts.

Yes, origami is extraordinary, annnnnddd… my greatest passion is Play and why it is our FUNdamental purpose. I put together a website that shares what I call the Path of Play and how I stay in a PlayFlowState. Here you will find the world’s bestest Ultimate Brain Exercise course for free as well as how to make the Ultimate Play Tool. Discover how to awaken your inner-child and remember that our world is a Playground.

Along with healing our spirits with our mental state, our physical body is paramount for a fulfilling experience here. Back in 2015 I experienced an inguinal hernia that stopped me from my playtime, this simply would not do. I focused my efforts and healed it! So to help others, I put together a website, to help people discover their own inner strength and body awareness. Check out my blog on sports hernia treatment without surgery!

Blessingz & aloHA

“Origami is an exceptional brain trainer; Craniogami takes it to another level of fun with ingeniously crafted, ineffably beauteous animal designs”

— Rev Zander Phelps, Preacher of Play (who else?;)

Find out more ways to Play at